Despicable Biden Admin Left U.S. Sponsored Journalists In Afghanistan

The Biden Administration’s Disasterous Afghanistan withdrawal strategy just keeps getting worse each day. Today it was revealed Hundreds of U.S. Sponsored Journalists were left behind in Afghanistan, as White House heads give each other high fives for a job well done. DNC-owned big media and big tech are hiding the truth from the American People. These Incompetent Biden Admin officials are going to get us all killed, as reports of North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is restarting his nuclear arms program. The whole situation stinks worse than a D.C. Bordello at Low Tide! 😡

Life, Liberty & Levin, host Mark Levin shames President Biden for Abandoning American’s In Afghanistan.

The UK Express Reports: KIM Jong-un has arguably been given a blank cheque to rebuild North Korea’s nuclear program by Joe Biden’s inept and ill-judged foreign policy, an MEP has claimed in what he suggested was a “worrying development” for world peace. North Korea appears to have restarted a nuclear reactor which is widely believed to have produced plutonium for nuclear weapons, the International Atomic Energy Association said in a report published on Friday, highlighting the isolated nation’s efforts to expand its arsenal. Dutch MEP Michiel Hoogeveen, who represents JA21 in the European Parliament, fears Mr Biden’s administration is guilty of a failure to understand the North Korean mindset which could increase the risk of future conflict.

Kim Jong-Un shakes hands with Xi Jinping the president of China
Kim Jong-Un with Xi Jinping of China. Possibly joining forces to attack weak America under the Biden Admin lack of leadership

The New York Post Reports: The Biden administration left behind in Afghanistan hundreds of US-sponsored journalists and their families in the chaotic withdrawal from the Taliban-controlled country. Despite President Biden promising to get every journalist out, the reporters employed by the US Agency for Global Media were left stranded. Some of the journalists have worked in Afghanistan for years, while facing threats and attacks from the Taliban.

U.S. sponsored journalists stranded in Afghanistan
U.S. sponsored journalists stranded in Afghanistan hold papers up hoping to be evacuated but left behind by the Biden Admin

Fox News confirmed that Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalists were unable to get aboard the last flights from Afghanistan on Monday. News of the journalists being left behind comes after national security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday that groups prioritized by the Biden administration had made it to evacuation planes. Obviously Sullivan, like Biden, LIED!

Journalists covering the war in Afghanistan taking photos of bomb damage
Journalists covering the war in Afghanistan taking photos of bomb damage

So fellow American’s where do we go from here? The Floridian Press Reports: While the GOP fantasy of President Biden (D) resigning seems a bit much, it could now become a reality. After the bipartisanly criticized Afghanistan debacle, handing over the nation to the Taliban, a new poll shows that 52% of Americans want Joe Biden to resign his presidency in shame.

Lets consider our options IF President Joe Biden was to resign, though unlikely because the old geezer has no consious or can be shamed. Also consider it’s entirley possible Biden is just a spoksperson for whoever is really running the White House. Possibly Barack Obama under his third presidency by proxy. And we can just bet the Squad is also manipulating our President in name only!

New York Post Cover 09/01/2021. Joe Biden, Every Life Is On His Hands!
New York Post Cover 09/01/2021. Joe Biden, Every American Life Lost in Afghanistan Is On His Hands!

IF Joe Biden was to resign his presidency, or is impeached. That would make Kamala Harris the sitting president, which is not acceptable. It’s possible to impeach Kamala Harris for her southern border failure. But that would leave Nancy Pelosi next in line to sit in Donald Trump’s chair. We definatly do not want that hateful old sow as our president, God help us!

Our best option, as I ecently bloggedabout, was to insist on a full Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election, in every state of the union. Prove the Democrats used Covid-19 as a method to cheat by bogus mail-in-ballots, and hacking of elctronic voting machines, among other underhanded methods. In other words Prove without a doubt there was fraud, and throw Joe Biden and his appointed administration out of the White House! If we the people don’t make this happen as a whole, our beloved American Homeland will soon be Lost Forever!

FidoSysop's observations we the people
We the people of the United States Of America love our homeland and the founders values that Made America Great

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

7 Thoughts to “Despicable Biden Admin Left U.S. Sponsored Journalists In Afghanistan”

  1. Razorwood

    Joe Biden is a grifting, perverted, incompetent, idiot. Always has been, always will be.

    1. FidoSysop

      And I’m wondering if Hunter Biden sold a painting or two to the Taliban? Makes sense why Joe left our military equipment behind?

      Taliban Seized Military Equipment List

    2. FidoSysop

      And I’m wondering if Hunter Biden sold a painting or two to the Taliban? Makes sense why Joe left our military equipment behind?

      Taliban Seized Military Equipment List

  2. fred

    Dementia Pedo Beijing Burden can care LESS about any Amerikan citizens…he’s a communist, a liberal, a demonrat, and a worthless POS…same with his entire communist administration, including VP Kamela-toe the Hoe…

    1. FidoSysop

      Gotta prove without a reasonable doubt he cheated, and kick his ass out!

    2. FidoSysop

      Gotta prove without a reasonable doubt he cheated, and kick his ass out!

  3. Jim Campbell

    Mr Levine is called the Dr.of Democracy with good reason, I’ve never seen his so steamed.

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